On June 30, 1940, at Şeref Stadium, Galatasaray achieved the largest victory in their history against Beşiktaş. Before the match, Beşiktaş was the favored team, known for their strong performance during those years. The match, officiated by referee Ahmet Adem Göğdün, saw the teams line up as follows: **Galatasaray:** Osman, Saim, Faruk, Eşfak Aykaç, Enver, Musa, Süleyman, Cemil, Gündüz Kılıç, Selahattin, Sarafim. **Beşiktaş:** M. Ali, Ahmet, Taci, Cihat, Hakkı Yeten, Hüseyin, Rauf, Hayati, Nazım, Şeref, Eşref. The first half ended 1-1, with Eşref scoring for Beşiktaş in the 16th minute and Gündüz Kılıç equalizing for Galatasaray in the 43rd minute. In the second half, Beşiktaş played with ten men after Cahit was injured. Süleyman scored in the 50th minute, Gündüz in the 55th minute, and Süleyman again in the 58th minute, bringing the score to 4-1. Şeref reduced the deficit to 4-2 in the 60th minute. However, Galatasaray scored five more goals with Gündüz netting three times (73rd, 75th, and 87th minutes), Süleyman in the 77th minute, and Cemil in the final minute, resulting in a historic 9-2 victory. This historic win by Galatasaray has remained unbeaten to this day. Notably, Beşiktaş fielded their legendary squad, which had won the Milli Küme championship five times in a row. The team included unforgettable players with the title “Baba,” such as Hüsnü Savman and Hakkı Yeten, as well as stars like Hayati Yazgan, known as “Çengel,” “Voleci” Şeref Görkey, and Eşref Bilgiç. According to sports historian Cem Atabeyoğlu, despite the efforts of Beşiktaş captains Hüsnü and Hakkı Yeten, the team was unable to recover, and the black-and-whites played one of their worst matches ever. Atabeyoğlu also noted that Hüsnü and Hakkı Yeten left the game in the final minutes in frustration with their teammates. Despite this heavy defeat, Beşiktaş went on to win the championship that season. *From “100 Sports Events in Istanbul”*