Terms of use

Last Updated: 19/02/2024
Dear Visitor, please read this Terms of Use Agreement carefully before visiting our website at https://1481to.com. Access to the site is contingent upon your acceptance of and compliance with these terms. If you do not agree with any of the terms outlined in this agreement, please discontinue access to the site. If you continue to access the site, it will be deemed that you unconditionally and without limitation accept the entirety of this agreement. The website https://1481to.com is managed by 481 TURİZM OTELCİLİK VE TİC. A.Ş., hereinafter referred to as the “SITE.” The Terms of Use for the site come into effect upon publication. The right to make changes unilaterally is reserved by the SITE, and any changes published on the SITE will be deemed accepted by all users from the outset.


Privacy details, which regulate the processing of your personal data, are available on a separate page. By using the SITE, you acknowledge that the processing of this data is in accordance with our Privacy Policy.

Service Scope

As 1481 TOURISM HOSPITALITY AND TRADE INC., we are fully free to determine the scope and nature of the services we provide within the framework of the law. Any changes made to the services will be deemed effective upon publication on the SITE.

Intellectual Property Rights

All text, code, graphics, logos, images, audio files, and software published on the SITE (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Content”) are owned by 481 TURİZM OTELCİLİK VE TİC. A.Ş. and all rights are reserved. Reproduction or copying of the site content without written permission is strictly prohibited.

General Provisions

All users undertake to use the SITE only for lawful and personal purposes and not to engage in any activities that may infringe upon the rights of third parties. Users are solely responsible for their legal and criminal liabilities related to their actions on the SITE. The SITE assumes no direct or indirect responsibility for damages incurred or potentially incurred by third parties as a result of these actions. We strive to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information on the SITE. However, despite our efforts, this information may lag behind actual changes and discrepancies may occur. Therefore, no explicit or implied guarantees or commitments are made regarding the accuracy and currency of the information on the SITE. The SITE may contain links (hyperlinks) to other websites, applications, and platforms operated by third parties with content unknown to us. The SITE only provides access to these sites and accepts no responsibility for their content. Although we make every effort to keep the SITE free from viruses, we do not guarantee that it is entirely virus-free. Therefore, it is the user’s responsibility to take necessary precautions against viruses when downloading data. We accept no responsibility for any damages caused by viruses or other malicious programs, codes, or materials. We do not guarantee that the services provided on the SITE will be free from defects or errors, or that they will be uninterrupted. We may terminate your access to the SITE, its services, or any part thereof at any time without prior notice.

Limitation of Liability

Our liability for damages arising from the use of the SITE is limited to willful misconduct and gross negligence. In the event of a breach of contract, the total compensation that can be claimed is limited to foreseeable damages. The above-mentioned limitations do not apply in cases involving loss of human life, bodily injury, or health damages. In cases of force majeure, as legally defined, we will not have any compensation obligation for delays, non-performance, or defaults.

Dispute Resolution

All disputes arising from or related to the application or interpretation of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the Republic of Turkey; the courts and enforcement offices of Yozgat are competent. —