With over 20 years in the football industry, to me the game itself is the least interesting part. I’m more fascinated by “Are there new chants from our supporters? How are the rival team’s supporters? What are the coaches wearing today? Are there any anxious individuals around? How interested are the citizens in football? Do the women in the city follow football? Is the referee aggressive?” etc… Therefor the number of goals I haven’t seen far exceeds the ones I have.

I think the best part of our job is traveling to Anatolian cities. Whether it’s for a day or more, breathing in the local atmosphere, chatting briefly with the locals, discussing a bit of politics, tasting their unique dishes, visiting the city square after work, checking out the shops, and observing their post-match reactions depending on the score…

My favorite football city is Izmir, and my team is Göztepe. I love watching Göztepe’s passionate fans, enjoying the city’s atmosphere, its air, its food, and its people. As soon as we set foot in the city, the mood changes for good. We leave behind the hustle of Istanbul and embrace the relaxed atmosphere of Izmir. The city wraps us up immediately. By dinnertime, plates of mussels and ‘kumru’ arrive at our table. Oh, Izmir…

This year, Göztepe has returned to the league. So spirits are high.


Diren Sucu’s Away Game Memories